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DEEPFREEZE......mungkin anda baru mengenel kata2 ini dari blog ini......( wong aq sendiri juga baru tau kok....hahahahahaha ) oce lanjut....aplikasi ini untuk melindungi pc anda dari file salah install,mengunci file yang penting bila suatu saat kita kliru menghapus........dengan menginstall DEEFREEZE ini di sistem " c " pada pc anda nantinya bila pc dimatikan ( OFF ) dan di hidupkan kembali file yang tadinya acak2kan atau terhapus akan kembali normal seperti sedia kala dengan syarat DEEPFREEZE anda dalam keadaan " ON "......oce gitu aja sedikit tips dari saya smoga aplikasi berguna buat anda..........klik disini untuk mendownload sukses selalu......

Digeus Registry Cleaner

version 7.3

Registry Cleaner
File Size: 1.2 MB
Language: English
Platform: Windows 95/98/ME/NT/XP/2000/2003/Vista x32, Vista x64/Windows 7
Vista Registry Cleaner, Registry Cleaner for Windows Vista
Download Digeus Registry Cleaner Purchase Digeus Registry Cleaner
How many errors does your computer have?
Your PC crashes for no apparent reason. You keep receiving error messages and don't know why. Your PC runs much slower than when you first bought it. Are you frustrated by your computer's bad performance? Do you really want an instant solution?
Problems with the Windows Registry are a common cause of Windows crashes and error messages. Registry problems can occur for many reasons, including references left behind after uninstalling; incorrect removal of software; missing or corrupt hardware drivers; or orphaned start-up programs. This will significantly increase the Registry size and slow down your computer, because Windows will need more time to load, search, and read data from the Registry.
Before you start looking for a new computer, try running Digeus Registry Cleaner on your system to repair the backbone of your machine. Computers perform best when they receive regular and professional maintenance.
This award winning software starts by conducting a deep scan of your registry, checking for file extension errors and other registry conflicts. With Digeus Registry Cleaner you'll see immediate increases in performance and decreases in system conflicts.
Here is the list of computer problems that Digeus Registry Cleaner solves:
  Slow Boot up
  Longer Machine Response Time
  Unexpected System Crashes
  BSOD (Blue Screen of Death)
  Unresponsive System
  Slower Internet Browser Response
  Slow Start Up of Your Favorite Software
Click here to run a FREE scan. Two minutes of scan can save you months of frustration and crashes.

Got To Know?
Registry Cleaner is already included into All-in-One System Optimizer suite.
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